Wednesday, 4 November 2015

How to use

“Just Paste It” is a free to use website that lets you publish your notes. You can share text and images easily. Peachey (2009) refers to the benefits of using this kind of tool when he says: “What’s great about using a tool like this is that it makes students written work much more accessible, they can integrate high quality images with the work and it remains as a tangible record of their progress and achievements. It’s also very content focused and there is no fuss with formatting or different fonts. It’s just about the writing."

Are you ready to start?

1)Access the following website 

You will see an empty writing canvas with various formatting tools. These tools let you change the font, size, alignment, bullets, and colour. You can also add images, hyperlinks, and text in simple as well as special formatting. Mistakes can be undone using the undo and redo buttons. You can write articles, comments, summaries, ideas and resources.

2)     To the right, there is a “Sidebar” where you can create a custom page name, upload photos, and import files. At this point you are ready to start adding text and images, embedding videos or importing documents.

3) When you finish your work, you can click on the Publish button at the bottom to obtain the three different types of links for your note. These links correspond to a direct public URL, to a code to used in forums, and to an embeddable HTML code which you can use on your site or blog.

Here is my sample.


Ledesma, P. (n.d.). Paula Ledesma - Web 2.0 Tools in ELT. Retrieved November 4, 2015.

 Peachey, N. (n.d.). Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Retrieved November 4, 2015.

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