Tuesday, 3 November 2015

How to use Dvolver

What is Dvolver?

Dvolver creates online animated videos. You can easily create short animations to tell a story by choosing different scenes, plots and characters. Then you can add music to it and speech bubbles. The site is for free and it allows you to create as many videos as you can think of. According to Peachey (2009) students can profit from this kind of site since they "can create animations which incorporate specific language points or vocabulary". He also points that this website is “great because it is so simple and quick to use, but gives very professional looking results which can then be shared. Animation is also very engaging and is great at showing time relationships as they actually do exist in time”.

Here are the steps to follow when you create a video through Dvolver.
1)      Access the following website http://www.dvolver.com/moviemaker/make.html . There is no need to create and account and it is for free.

2)   You can start creating your movie –Scene 1- by selecting a background and a sky.

3)   Click on “next” and choose a select a plot.

4)   Click on “next” a select the characters.

5)   Click on “next” and type in the characters’  lines

6)   Click on “ next” and choose the background music.

You can also add more scenes to your movie and once you are ready press “finish movie”, write a title for it and then your movie will be generated. There are two options: the preview and send movie. After you have sent the movie to someone you will have the option to copy the embed script. This will enable you to embed your movie into a blog or website and share it with others.

Here is my example of a video created with Dvolver


Peachey, N. (n.d.). Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Retrieved November 4, 2015.

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